Senin, 02 Mei 2011


         Literally anatomy derived from the Greek word "Anatem" which means to open by slicing or decipher. Anatomy scientific sense to mean "science explained" the science that studies the shape and composition of the living body. So Animal Anatomy is the study of body shape and composition of domestic animals (Domesticated Animals), commonly known also by the term Veterinary Anatomy.
        When the various disciplines, known until recently grouped into the social sciences and natural sciences, the anatomy is domiciled in the natural sciences.
        The increased development of technology and breadth of coverage of the science of human controlled, also influenced the development of anatomy. Therefore, the division of anatomy experienced by some reason or views.
          The discovery of the microscope with all its development, causing the anatomy is divided into:
a. Macroscopic Anatomy (Gross Anatomy), which is now quite commonly referred to as "Anatomy". Further discussion in this diktat is the science explained that included in the category of gross anatomy.
b. Microscopisc Anatomy (Histology / Science Network), which explained that special knowledge using optical instrument in the form of a simple microscope to an electron microscope.
         Judging from the development and growth of living things, anatomy can be divided into:
a. Embryologi = embryology = studying fetal growth
b. Ontogeny = studying individual growth.
c. Phylogeny = science events / science sources/ilmu genealogy = studying the history of the origins of the group in the world of creatures or by evolutionary changes in various species. 

      Judging from the kinds of living creature beings who become the object of study, the anatomy is divided into:
a. Special Anatomy (Special Anatomy), learning is limited to only one type of creature, for example:
- Anthropotomy = Explained the science of human
- Kinotomy = science explained the dog
- Hippotomy = science explained horse
b. Comparative Anatomy (Comparative Anatomy), studied at the same time more than one type of creature as the object of study with emphasis on comparing the composition and form of beings to one another.

To support the needs of livestock science, then this is a more comparative anatomy presented. With linked to the professional nature, so he got the title as Animal Anatomy (Veterinary Anatomy) is the science which studies the shape and body composition of farm animals (domesticated animals).
Furthermore, to study the anatomy is usually taken with a three-way approach that is systematic, regional (topographical) and usefulness. With regard to these approaches, the anatomy is also divided into:
a. Systematic Anatomy, who studied a collection of tools that have a long body, shape, composition and function the same.
Systematic anatomy consists of:
- Osteology = the study of experience.
- Syndesmology / Arthrology = who studies the relationship between the bones and joints.
- Myology = studying muscle.
- Angiology = study the vascular system.
- Neurology = studying the nervous system.
- Splanchnology = learn the innards / internal organs.
- Aesthesiology = sensory learning tools, including leather and derivatives-derivation.
b. Topographic Anatomy, study areas or zones of the body. In this case are preferred attention to the location, arrangement of parts or organs from one another (composition and form a regional body / in certain areas).
c. Applied Anatomy, which explained the science that is associated with practical needs such as for purposes of diagnosis, surgery, eye livestock (exteriur) and so forth.

         In anatomy there is a consensus that the Latin language is used as the language of the world for mentions of terms. However, in many countries other than the Latin language as the main language of anatomy, also used the national language of each country. For example the use of languages ​​other than Latin anatomical terminology is the terminology in the English language in the book "The Anatomy of The Domestic Animals" by Sisson and Grossman.
To mention a place or location of the animal body parts, used general terms and specifically designated in certain areas. These terms mean pointing direction at the same time. Some examples of terms frequently used are:

dorsal = toward the back, top (dorsum = back)
ventral = direction of the abdomen, lower (Venter = stomach)
Cranial = direction of the head, front / anterior / caput
caudal = direction of the tail, rear / posterior

These terms are generally also applies to part / organ / body tool with the same sense.

oral = oral directions, forward (oris = mouth)
aboral = away from the direction of the mouth, to the rear
apical = menujua toward the top, top
nuchal = toward the direction of neck, back 
nasal = direction toward the nose (nasum = nose)

proximal = close to the body, above
distal = away from the body, under
dorsal = back leg front and back, forward direction
volar = back side of the front leg (Vola = palm of the hand) / palmar
plantar = back side of the rear foot (planta = sole of foot)
ulnar = outer side of the front legs (= lateral)radial = side of the front legs (= medial)
fibular = outer side of hind legs (= lateral)
tibial = side of the rear leg (= medial)
prone = indicates a position that led to the dorsal or to the dorsum of the body / extremitas dorsal surface.
pronation = indicates the direction of motion of turning to prone position
supine = position leads to the ventral body / volar / plantar surface extremitas
supination = indicates the direction of motion around to the supine position

lateral = median body away from the field, outside
medial = near field of the median body, inside, middle
median = the middle area of ​​the body, splitting the body into two symmetrical parts (left and right)
sagittal = parallel to the median body
transverse = perpendicular to the median field, cutting the axis perpendicular to the body as well (divides the body into two, front and rear)
horizontal / frontal = median perpendicular to the field, parallel to the axis of the body (body divides into two upper and lower)

dexter = right
Sinister = left
External = outer
internus = inner
profundus = away from the surface, inside, near the center
superficialis = close to the surface, the outer
ecto = (outer layer outside)
endo, ento = in (layers of)
meso = middle (middle layer)
epi = above, cover ----- epidermis, epicardium, epicondylus, epiphyse
peri = around, about ----- peritricha, peritoneum, periosteum, etc.
he = separator, spreading ----- diaphyse, diaphragm
hypo = under ------ hypotonis, hypotension, hypodermic
hyper = above ------ hypertonis, hypertension
base = base, the base under the base ---- cranii osis, basis occipitalis
apex = top, top margo = edge (marginal = edge)

VARIOUS designation Establishment / BUILDING:
Facies = face, surface, face
Facial = including surface
Fascia = sheets, dressing, muscle membrane
Fascicular = file
Fossa = fossa (depressio, impressio = dent because of pressure)
Fovea = a rounded indentation
Small foramen = hole or door in the bone (plural - foramina)
long  sucus = dent, groove
Canalis = pipeline
Canaliculus = a line of small bone
cavum = cavity
Caverna = cavity (cavernosus = hollow-cavity, sectional)
Caput = head
Capitulum = protrusion and small spherical joints (Latin = head)
Condylus = head joints (Greek = bracelet)
Epicondylus = assertion that no joints, placing themselves above the condyle
Collum = neck
Crista = frame, sharp edges, protruding bone in the form of a comb line width and is an area between two pieces of bone edge
Sinus = arch, a small cavity, the porch (which have a cavity filled with air exit = anthrum)
Spina = thorn, a sharp protrusion
Spinal = Taju, highlighting among others:
Processus spinosus = form of spina (spine)
Spinal stiloideus = length as the pole (Greek = pole)
Spinal kondiloideus = like pulley
Spinal coronoideus = triangular (corona = crown)
Spinal coracoideus = like beak of birds (crows)
Fissures = crack, tear
Incisura = slices
Tuber, tuberosity = big hump (round-shaped protrusion of bone with medium size)
Tuberculum = small cauliflower
Angle = angle
Trochanter = protrusion of bone that round with a very large size (latin = runner)
Linea (line) = protrusion of bone in the form of a flat line
Labium (lip) = edge of a crest
Trokhlea = part of the bone joints in the form of a pulley (Trokhlea = pulley)
Malleolus = protrusion of a large bone (like a hammer) at the lower end of tibia / fibula
Lingula = protrusion of small bones such as the tongue
Cornua = protrusion of bone, such as long horn
Ramus (branch) = a large branch from the main body
Alae = wing-shaped protrusion of bone
Hiatus = a door
Hammulus = a protrusion of bone that is shaped like a crocheted
Lamina = a thin plate of bone
Skuama = bone-shaped slab of thin scales.

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

My Profilo

         My Name Is Diyantoro, DVM. I'm a Veterinarian. do you know a Vets Job???? What is this job like???
          If you like animals and science, you might want to be a veterinarian. Veterinarians take care of sick and injured animals. Like doctors, they perform surgery and give medicine to animal.
          When an animal is sick, vets examine it to find out why. They look for clues in the way an animal looks, acts, and smells. For example, if a dog is walking in a strange way, that might be because it hurt its leg. Vets need to look carefully because animals can't say what is wrong.
          Vets also give blood tests, x-rays, and other tests, looking for clues about an animal's illnesses. Then, vets decide what kind of medicine or treatment the animal needs. Vets prevent problems by giving vaccinations and check-ups and fixing teeth. They also teach owners how to feed and train their animals. Vets use special tools to perform surgeries. They fix broken bones, take out tumors, replace knees and hips, and more. Vets also treat and cover wounds. They need to be ready to see blood, organs, and bones. Most vets treat small pets, including dogs, cats, and gerbils. But a few focus on large animals, such as sheep, cows, and horses. Large-animal vets usually drive to ranches and stables where their patients live. They check for infections in the animals and give advice to the animals' owners. Often, they help when the animals give birth. A few vets work in zoos and aquariums. They care for zebras, sharks, and other wild creatures. In addition to helping sick animals, vets can work as animal inspectors, checking to make sure that farm animals are healthy and that their living spaces are clean. Another option for vets is doing scientific research. They try to make new medicines. Vets work in many different places. Vets who do research work in clean, dry laboratories. Most vets who take care of small pets work in animal clinics and hospitals. A few work in large hospitals with the most advanced equipment. Many vets supervise technicians and assistants. And many own their own business and are their own boss. Because animals can get sick at anytime, vets often work long hours. Those in group practices may take turns working weekends or evenings and dealing with emergencies. Many vets like their work because they can be with animals every day. But because some animals are scared or hurt, they sometimes try to bite, kick, or scratch their vets. Vets who work with large animals often work outside in all kinds of weather. This work can sometimes be dirty.
My Profile :
       I studied at the faculty of veterinary medicine Airlangga Univesity. I started studying in September 2007 and has completed graduate of veterinary medicine in March 2011. But there are many professional program should I take to get a veterinarinarian during 1 year. I studied anatomy veteriner as a basis for the application of science to another. I also learned about the science of parasitology veteriner, microbilogy (bacterial and viral) veteriner, animal reproduction,animal feed, Veterinary public health, Embryology, Farmacotherapy, and others. I also need to take Islamic religious education, citizenship, and English classes. I also get experience by working at Surabaya Zoo, Animal hospitals, Shelters and BBIB (Balai Besar Inseminasi Buatan) Singosari. In veterinary college, i learn more science. I also learn how to work with animals, do surgery, and do laboratory tests with microscopes and other equipment. 
Where are a veterinarian can get job ?
       Veterinarians worked for clinics, hospital, government, research companies, universities as lecturer, animal food companies, and zoos, etc.
What about the future??
         Vets are expected to have excellent job opportunities. And the number of jobs for vets is expected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations through 2018. This is because people love their pets very much, and they will be willing to pay lots of money for medical care. Jobs taking care of small animals are expected to increase quickly, especially jobs taking care of cats and dogs. There will be more jobs for vets who can have advanced training and can give special kinds of care, such as dentistry. Jobs taking care of large animals, such as horses and cows, are growing more slowly. But there will still be lots of jobs for vets who can do that work.